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of Stardust and the Beasts



Short Story – Pianoforte

With her fingers lightly gripping the quill, the black ink smeared on her fingers and across the paper, if I may paint her clumsiness and lack of etiquette, she tried to write him another letter. But what was there for her to write about? After all, they had never met. She had seen him once from the crowd as she watched his fingers dance across the keys of a pianoforte while clutching her mother’s hand to calm her nerves.

Short Story – Master of Escapism

I used to believe in something, like stars being the souls of the lost—my father being one of them. I also used to read fairy tales over and over again. I believed that I would spend an eternity loving the same boy I fell for when I was nothing but a child. I had my whole life written in fantasy and laid out in front of me. On some days, I fought dragons; on other days, I cradled the scorching sun in my arms and called it a lover.

Short Story – Lady In-Between

How many times in my life have I felt completely overwhelmed by the tide of emotions and the ensuing silence of a depression that could incapacitate even the strongest of men? Some say it is the natural flow of life. “There is beauty in the ups and downs” —but I feel as if I am in the sea, desperately keeping myself afloat.

Only to be engulfed by the tide behind.

Six-Sentence Story With Audiobook – Dead Poet

The smell of cinnamon in the room, a burnt candle on the bedside table, an empty bottle of Shiraz on the floor beside the ivory bed, and finally… a lady clutching onto a tattered book while tangled in her silken sheets with a tear running down her cheek.

Six-Sentence Story With Audiobook – Late Mornings

I prayed that the wooden floorboards wouldn’t creak under my weight as I  got out of the bed, because God knows that hell had no fury like her majesty awoken suddenly from her slumber.

Six-Sentence Story With Audiobook – the Exchange

She could feel that something was wrong with the way the wind made her skin crawl as she teetered out from the bar onto the small alleyway leading to her home and she felt almost as if there, in the dark, were a pair of eyes watching her every move.

Six-Sentence Story With Audiobook – Ember

At night, when Ember lies down in her bed and listens to the rain softly running down her skylights she travels the worlds unknown to men. 

Tonight was no exception; she was running in a maze to find her prince, a man she hardly knew but a face he had.

Six-Sentence Story With Audiobook – Still Alone

Ellie found it easier to cope with the world by slowly removing herself from it, she had a superpower of cooking up wonderlands in her head and falling in love with strangers as she built them into magical characters in her stories and poems.

As the reality seemed to shun her out and strike her with a pike into her heart she fell in love with words, as if the blood dripping from the end of it was a pitch-black tint tainting her poetry with pain and sorrow as she crafted her words into bullets that could make a grown man shed a tear.

Six-Sentence Story With Audiobook – Bird in a Cage

Evan didn’t know how long he had been lying there with his arms crossed on his chest and the sandalwood incense burning his nostrils,  to him it seemed as if the flow of time had slowed down or didn’t exist altogether and even if he could hear the clanging of what appeared to be dishes in the next room – he hadn’t moved much since he lost his sight and the seer had led him to a bed.

Six-Sentence Story With Audiobook -Stroke of Misfortune

Evan could have done with a little more luck but it was as if he had been on a stroke of misfortune his whole life, maybe that is why he found himself on that chair knuckle cracking and waiting for the seer to give him something.

Perhaps a new faith in the set of Gods to make his life better – a rune to magically make him fall in love with the world, a potion or a numbing cream for his aching soul, something, anything to make him feel like a human being again.

Six-Sentence Story With Audiobook – the Key

It was as if he was venturing into the halls of an old abandoned building and as he stood there on the door frame, clutching a key in his sweaty palms, he couldn’t help but be perplexed at the fact that anyone could ever show such neglect to something so majestic.

Six-sentence Story With Audiobook- On the Edge

“Just leave, you are not wanted or needed around here.”

These words haunt me in my dreams to this day, as vividly and loudly as cruelly as they were, and I can still see their faces clearly or hear the piercing laughter as I was laying on the floor with my peers forming a ritual circle around me while throwing words shaped like daggers into my flesh- sometimes I am even afraid to fall asleep, as in my 30ties I still relive the moment like a veteran of war.

Six-Sentence Story With Audiobook – FLUID

“You are a weird one, aren’t you?”

His words echoed in my brain as I had been decrypted and my secrets, they flung from the pages onto which I had been painting my love for him – with droplets of the sweetest words that I had accumulated over the years.


Yesterday, I had a dream. You and I were on a balcony. I was smoking while listening to you speak, and you were pointing at the stars. When I woke up, I felt an emptiness inside of me that I hadn’t felt in years.
I felt your absence more deeply than I have ever felt anything before.

Short Story – His Eyes Were a Poem

Frozen in place, I stood there as if time itself had stopped, while the poem was fixated on me. Never in my life had I felt such insignificance in my own existence.

While my desires and admirations were fighting over what was left of me, his face was expressionless. The eyes that harbored the warmest of my feelings were cold, like those of a killer.

Short Story – Goddess in Disguise

Ella didn’t know any other way to love than obsessively, religiously, and with a fiery passion. The kind that could make you shiver when her fingers brushed against your skin. And she would pray down on her knees to twirl you around her finger, to make you stay longer than you anticipated, and to give you a little more love in the hope that you would return it. To her, there were no limitations. She would give away her skin if a man she loved needed it. You could say that every man that ever laid his hands on her was a God she had to worship to reach the pearly gates.

Short Story- Demigods are Worshipped in Wine

This night was like many others. She was preparing her space to write poetry. It was as if she was preparing to worship a God of a sort – with a bottle of Shiraz on the table and Chopin on the recorder, she set orange and cinnamon-scented candles up in her room.

Short Story – Stockholm Syndrome

It wasn’t that she didn’t know that he wasn’t good for her or that he would never stay the night. It was that she had hope. She believed that in the depths of his heart, he had loved her all along, and one day he would choose her. The hope kept her eyes in a protective pink film every time she looked at his face. And all she wished for was to lay in his arms and to wake up to him stroking her hair.

Short Story – Elves and Fantasy

He sat across from her on the train he took every day to work and back. Never had he seen her before, and there was nothing else that he could do than sit there, staring at her drawing while being perplexed by her beauty. He himself had never drawn before, or maybe he did when he was still in kindergarten and just forgot how much he enjoyed it.

Short Story With Audiobook- Melody Behind Her Voice

In this moment, he couldn’t understand how the melody in her voice could have disappeared. He sat on the edge of her bed and realized that time, it had been cruel to her. It seemed as if it were just yesterday that they walked hand in hand on the riverbank, her golden locks flying in the wind and the scent of strawberries lingering in the air around her. He had never known he liked strawberries until he met her.

Short Story – Pianoforte

With her fingers lightly gripping the quill, the black ink smeared on her fingers and across the paper, if I may paint her clumsiness and lack of etiquette, she tried to write him another letter. But what was there for her to write about? After all, they had never met. She had seen him once from the crowd as she watched his fingers dance across the keys of a pianoforte while clutching her mother’s hand to calm her nerves.

Six-Sentence Story With Audiobook – Dead Poet

The smell of cinnamon in the room, a burnt candle on the bedside table, an empty bottle of Shiraz on the floor beside the ivory bed, and finally… a lady clutching onto a tattered book while tangled in her silken sheets with a tear running down her cheek.

Six-Sentence Story With Audiobook – Late Mornings

I prayed that the wooden floorboards wouldn’t creak under my weight as I  got out of the bed, because God knows that hell had no fury like her majesty awoken suddenly from her slumber.