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Author | Audiobook narrator | Singer


“Absence” is a part of some super short stories that hopefully will get me back to writing. I hope they can create some emotional impact or such.


I feel unable to write.

Any words I say seem dull and meaningless compared to you—or to what has been, is, and always will be within me.

“Actions speak louder than words”—I grew up with this wisdom. It was whispered to me by my parents, the trees, and the wind. But I don’t have the privilege of expressing myself through actions. All I have are my words, and they must be enough. They have to be enough.

Yesterday, I had a dream. You and I were on a balcony. I was smoking while listening to you speak, and you were pointing at the stars. When I woke up, I felt an emptiness inside of me that I hadn’t felt in years.
I felt your absence more deeply than I have ever felt anything before.

Funny—I thought I had accepted my fate. I thought it couldn’t hurt me anymore.
And yet, here I am.


Links To My Work

Stories: Six-Sentence Stories, Short Stories, Romance and All That

My band can be listened to on YouTubeSpotify and other streaming services.


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