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Author | Audiobook narrator | Singer


Six-sentence Story With Audiobook- On the Edge

“Just leave, you are not wanted or needed around here.”

These words haunt me in my dreams to this day, as vividly and loudly as cruelly as they were, and I can still see their faces clearly or hear the piercing laughter as I was laying on the floor with my peers forming a ritual circle around me while throwing words shaped like daggers into my flesh- sometimes I am even afraid to fall asleep, as in my 30ties I still relive the moment like a veteran of war.

To host this beautiful Website I use Dreamhost. If you choose to make your own website and get hosting through my link you will be supporting my work as Dreamhost will pay me.

To upload my recordings to different streaming services I use DistroKid. If you use my link to sign up for DistroKid, I get 10 dollars and you get 7% off. 

DistroKiddo Linkie.